~Dragon Wars Cheaty Tips, submitted by Steven Williams (USA). Author Unknown. This is a Mega Mega Spoiler for Dragon War. It will spoil all your fun in playing the game. Read at you own risk. I've completed Dragon Wars several months ago, and end up with super characters, each having all the 5 magic skills available in the game, and every secondary skill that is available. There is a very simple bug in the game. In the Magan Underworld, there is one particular spot at the chasm, which would give you 5 skill points if you jump into it. I found that out by mistake. So, after you have build up a decent character that can withstand the monsters in the Magan Underworld, go to that particular spot, and get 5 skill points. Restart the game again. You will retain your skill points, but lose all your weapons. Repeat this about 20 time, and you'll get 100 skill points; which is enough to make all the other monster in the games look like wimp!!!!! Skill points is a very important part of the game. You only get 2 points per level, and might get about 30 points at the end of the whole game. So, please be warn that this Mega Mega Spoiler will spoil all the fun you have in this game.